1974 → 2024 →
TOKO 50th Anniversary A Message of Thanks
その後、石蔵2階に「ギャラリー蔵人」(1986年)「ギャラリー城内坂」を「Art Space Jyounaizaka」(1991年)に変更しました。「ギャラリー蔵人」は工芸、「Art Space Jyounaizaka」は造形的な作品が主な企画です。1995年に城内坂の都市計画に伴う改装事業で、旧肥料店舗、旧住居、旧陶器店舗を集結し、リニューアルオープンして現在に至っています。
塚本 倫行
On October 8, 2024, TOKO will celebrate its 50th anniversary. We are truly grateful for the tremendous support from our customers and many others, which has allowed us to operate in Mashiko Town for these five decades. We extend our sincere gratitude to all of you.
TOKO was established at its current location on October 8, 1974. Our journey began with the support of Takeshi Tsukamoto, then the president of Tsukamoto Pottery, Ltd. (now Tsukamoto Co., Ltd.), and uncle of our former president, Nakaba Tsukamoto. The origins of TOKO trace back to a former fertilizer warehouse made of Oya stone, which was no longer in use due to the rice acreage reduction policy. Initially, we operated under the name "Jōnai Tsukamoto" before changing to "TOKO" a few years after opening. The period around our establishment coincided with the post-war economic boom, the folk crafts movement, and the founding of the Mashiko Ware Kiln Cooperative Center in 1966, which brought increasing visitors to the town. Aspiring potters from all over Japan were also drawn to Mashiko by the Tsukamoto Pottery Research Institute and kiln instruction programs, creating a lively atmosphere.
Under these circumstances, TOKO became a pottery store specializing in the works of local artists and has continued this focus to the present day.
We made a habit of personally visiting artists’ studios to select and purchase items as soon as their kilns produced new works. The artists crafted daily-use items such as plates and bowls, as well as large pieces like jars and platters, which sometimes took time to sell. Regardless, we consistently displayed these large items in our gallery.
In 1981, the Gōda Pottery Research Institute was established under the leadership of artist Yoshimichi Gōda. Our former president, Nakaba Tsukamoto, took on the role of president of the organization and opened a gallery on Jyonaizaka for the first exhibition, the "Gōda Pottery Research Institute Founding Exhibition." This marked the beginning of our exhibitions. Later, in 1986, we launched "Gallery Kurando" on the second floor of the stone warehouse and rebranded the "Gallery Jyonaizaka" as "Art Space Jyonaizaka" in 1991. "Gallery Kurando" focused on crafts, while "Art Space Jyonaizaka" primarily showcased creative works. With the urban redevelopment project in 1995, we combined the old fertilizer store, former residence, and the previous pottery store, reopening with a refreshed space that continues to this day.
Since its founding, TOKO has prioritized the thoughts and expressions of artists. We will continue to operate in Mashiko Town with this same emphasis on creativity and expression.
In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our customers, artists, business partners, employees, and all others who have supported us over these fifty years.
Yours sincerely,
Tsukamoto Noriyuki
President of TOKO
Our History for 50 years
陶庫 50年の歩み
「陶庫」の起源は1898年7月15日に呉服商として益子町内に開業した「塚本菊次郎商店」にあります。 創業者の塚本菊次郎は「株式会社 つかもと」の創業者である塚本利平の次男にあたり、昭和初期には益子町内から現在の益子町城内坂に移転し、肥料商へと転換しました。 しかし、農業の衰退、減反政策等により米蔵として使用していた大谷石蔵の利用頻度が低くなり、その用途を模索していました。
塚本菊次郎商店では肥料商を営む傍らで、陶器の釉薬の原料として使用される芦沼石を全国に販売していました。 芦沼石の粉末を焼き上げることで赤くなることから赤粉(あかこ)と呼ばれました。赤粉を水に溶かして施釉することで、「柿釉」となります。 益子焼が日用の道具を生産する際に柿釉を多く使用したことから、益子を代表する釉薬として広く認知されました。 また、柿釉は保温性があり、浸透しにくいということから焼物の釉薬としてだけでなく、東北地方の屋根瓦の材料としての需要が高まり、昭和45年頃まで販売を行いました。
芦沼石(赤粉)を全国に販売することに付随し、益子焼の原材料も多く販売をしたことから、次第に窯業産業との関りが深くなっていきました。 昭和40年前半からの民藝ブーム等により益子町には多くの観光客が訪れ、活気に満ちたことをきっかけに「有限会社 塚本製陶所(現 株式会社 つかもと)」の協力を得て、大谷石蔵を改装し、昭和49年10月に益子焼の販売店として「陶庫」を開店しました。
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